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Five Truths from a Stay At Home Parent

Apr 3, 2023   •   
Five Truths from a Stay At Home Parent

The Truth about being a Stay at Home Parent

Being a stay-at-home parent can be both a rewarding and challenging experience. However, with the increasing cost of living and societal pressure to have a career, fewer parents are opting for this lifestyle. In this article, Emily Batey, a stay-at-home mum of three, shares her insights on what it’s like to be a stay-at-home parent. She offers five truths that are both heartwarming and candid.

Emily’s Story

I am a stay at home Mum of three beautiful, feisty girls. This is what I always wished to do. The number of parents choosing to stay at home with their kids is reducing. According to a report from the Australian Census 2016, SAHMs (Stay at Home Mums) have decreased by 6% since 1991 and I get it!

Here’s five truths from a Stay at Home Parent (SAHP):

  1. It’s a tough gig and not one for every family out there. It can be physically and emotionally exhausting. It can be lonely, and unrewarding. With the cost of living rising, it can also be financially draining.
  2. I laugh more each day than I ever have. Kids are hilarious! From funny faces, and pranks to mispronounced words, laughter fills our home.
  3. I have cried more than ever before. From sleepless nights that lead into child centred days to seeing other parents shining in their careers, there are definitely tears.
  4. It really is underrated. Providing a safe, nurturing beginning is a worthwhile goal. Spending ALL DAY dedicating your time to someone else’s needs is tough. The work can be repetitive and mundane. Parents can feel touched out, equally bored and overwhelmed and in need of a break that is often overlooked.
  5. I wouldn’t change it. Not for a million dollars and free coffee. Though those would help. Our strong family bond, the memories we have made, the cuddles and play…I would never give that up. Life is short and dedicating this part of it to my kids was right for me and my family.

As Drew Barrymore once said,

My favourite thing about being a mum is just what a better person it makes you on a daily basis!

The Pros and Cons of a Stay at Home Parent:

Ultimately, every family needs to weigh up the pros and cons of having a SAHP. These days there are so many options to make this work. Parents can have side-hustles to bring in extra cash, online businesses or weekend/after hours work work well. I have begun seeing clients over zoom when my partner can watch our girls.

Self-care is also so important! Mental health should never be underrated. Taking time away from family life to boost energy is crucial and discussed at length in this article by Emma Bunting ‘Mums Taking Time-out’

If you are looking for amazing support, make sure you find a Group Fitness Class in your local area. I train with Anita who has created a wonderfully supportive village for Mums with her fitness/education classes and they offer something for both me and my kids #winwin

Written By: Emily Batey Mum of 3 and Counsellor and Parenting Life Coach. 

Anita Guerra runs Fit For 2 in Victoria, . Learn more about Anita and Book your Trial today.

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